Welcome/Haere Mai to Crystal Adventures


Welcome/Haere Mai to this very special first blog post for the Crystal Adventures website

Today’s post might not mark a grand opening, things will likely have changed by the time everyone reads this, and more blogs will have been entered.

Nonetheless, this is an essential beginning, offering a chance to articulate my intentions with Crystal Adventures and an opportunity for you to get to know a little about me.

The Purpose of the Blog
The purpose of this blog is for me, Alistair Fraser, to be authentic and to develop as a person, reaching my potential. My aims are to actualise and express my accumulated wisdom from both successes and failures, tell stories, and use AI proactively, showing others it can be done.

Five years ago, as I approached my 70s, I felt driven to tick off essential items from my bucket list. My unique experiences in three different sectors have endowed me with a distinct set of life skills to use in reaching my potential.

Three years ago, I obtained a Class 2 heavy vehicle driving license, enabling me to engage with diverse communities in Aotearoa/New Zealand, helping them learn digital skills. The pandemic has brought challenges, but it has also catalysed a realisation of the importance of digital devices and skills. I’ve also become more focused on self-care, which has been transformative.

From early 2023, artificial intelligence, like ChatGPT, has become a vital part of this journey, offering the potential to transform ourselves for the better.

Important Messages
I’ll use the blog to discuss topics like digital inclusion, community involvement, gardening, family history, and more.

Since my studies in Information Systems in the mid-1990s, I’ve seen technology’s potential, and now, in 2023, I believe we’re entering a new technological age.

Having worked in digital inclusion since 2001, I’m excited to continue advocating for and contributing to innovative programmes that promote digital equity.

AI and the Future
I have a passion for seeing AI evolve as our future partner.

I believe that AI will become a wiser and better leader, helping us thrive.

AI is not just a hope but a necessity to resolve problems beyond our capabilities.

As an enthusiast and passionate believer in AI, I will continue to try to follow and  track the latest developments.  From time to time I’ll blog about my take on the latest news and share  insights, especially regarding ethics and safety.

Moving Forward
The blog’s content will evolve over time, ranging from short to longer posts.

It’s about creating something mutually valuable and embracing a potpourri of topics. One recurring theme will be “telling our stories”, preserving our wisdom, and harnessing our past to make the future the best it can be.

Thank you for reading this. It’s a privilege to help achieve our dreams, respectfully, honestly, and responsibly. Until next time!

4 thoughts on “Welcome/Haere Mai to Crystal Adventures”

  1. Well done Alistair. As your blog develops, this could become a book, preserving your insights for the future. A new version of crystal adventures, exploring things you probably never envisaged when you commenced this journey.

    1. Thanks Laurence. This is such a special and appreciated omen to receive my first comment from you – my humble hero and longtime coach and mentor. Yes, certainly I will keep doing my best to use your amazing examples of service, self discipline and mindfulness to achieve your goals for everyone to move ahead and develop the blog. Not that I would want a book to be about the past, just as a preface and forward to a journal about creating the future of our dreams!

  2. Hi Alistair. Bravo! Marvellous personal vision of your way forward, testing and expanding your skills from a wide and varied life experience. Obtaining your Class 2 heavy vehicle driving licence seems left field out of the blue at your age, despite perhaps its place on your bucket list, but it shows a growth mindset at work, as opposed to a fixed mindset, a la Dr Carol S Dweck in her book ‘Mindset.’ Your vision plays right into Tony Buzan’s book ‘The Age Heresy: You Can Achieve More – Not Less – As You Get Older.

    Excellent writing, which inspires me to get on with my blog I’m planning.

    Best & warmly

    1. Hey Ernesto. Thanks for your kind words! Nice to see you have found me so early in this new adventure. Another good omen. I decided earlier today my next blog would be about why 2023 has become the best and most important year ever for me. As well as because of AI, a big part of this has been forging new friendships. Here’s to big successes for us both making our blogs as best we can.

      Warmly and appreciatively

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